Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Like Yawning, Moods are Contagious

In a blog posted by psychologist Dr. Deb, she brings across a good point in he rarticle called "Contagiousness of moods," that you can find yourself in a mood based on your surrounding environment. For example, if you are around a lot of people that are in the worst mood, even if you walked in a happy individual, more than likely you are going to leave feeling just as crabby as the people that you were around and you may not even know why. Dr. Deb also emphasises an example from Orson Welles making a broadcast of "War of the Worlds" which sent listeners into a panic attack thinking that Earth was going to be blown to smitherenes by aliens. Dr. Deb states that people read subtle clues in body language which trigger responses in the people they come into contact with. I believe that this is true, and most people are unaware of these signals that may trigger them to feel a certain way.

Where self-awareness is concerned, I tend to find that most of the reactions that people inhibit are purely based on the subconscious. Even though some physical aspects of a situation may trigger certain responses, most of the responses that are going to come forth are conditioned responses. These are responses that have been learned over exposure to the same situation for a given amount of time. Dr. Deb
seems to think that most moods are contagious. I will have to agree. If you put yourself in a negative situation, more likely you will lose sight of the lighter-hearted aspect of things. In order to realize that you have "caught a mood," you will have to do an internal check according to Dr. Deb, and evaluate the situation and the mood that you find yourself in. By becoming more aware of your surroundings and the factors that are triggering your positive or negative responses to the situations and the moods that you find yourself and others in, you will become more aware of your self and be able to recognize the contageniety of your mood.


BooBoo said...

I have found this to be true on so many different levels in my own life. I, like most people have a select few friends that are always in a good mood and it automatically makes you happy to be around them and in generally a good mood yourself. On the other side of the coin, I have those few friends that always seem to be sad, upset, or depressed and complaining. This also brings me to this unwanted place where you are consumed in your self pity and are all around in a crappy mood. I wonder why it is that we allow ourselves to be so affected by others moods, perhaps we really don’t even realize that it does. Also, the point about gestures and the body language is so true. When I took speech ages ago we learned and discussed body language to death. Ever since then I am even more conscience of it when I do it or someone else is doing it. Your points were very interesting and I can certainly see it in society, it is important to take into account when talking to someone.

Psychic Psych Chick said...

This is absolutely true and very easy to observe in your everyday life... I often find myself in a great mood, but as soon as you hang around one of your friends who had a crappy day at work, the good mood is extinguished. I haven't read any research, but I bet that this topic is one that evolutionary psychologists would have a field day with... Perhaps the "contagious mood" effect is one that would aid survival. For instance in a crisis situation, if others sense danger and begin to show signs of panic, it may benefit one to also readily sense danger and elicit their own fight-or-flight response. That would be more beneficial than dismissing the other's feelings and continue playing Guitar Hero...

PsychChris said...

I love what you wrote!! I really believe that being in a certain mood can affect what others feel and in the end alter their mood as well. It reminds me of that book and movie "The Secret." The Law of Attraction; whatever you think about you bring about. Being positive will attract more positivity in ones life and the same as being negative. It's a proven fact. When I am around my friends I feel great because they are great people with great attitudes. When I am around negative people I definately try and lose that experience.

Little Miss Sunshine said...

I absolutely agree with what you had to say. I am normally the one that puts everyone else in a less than happy mood, so I try extremely hard to stay in a good mood. I find that when I hang out with friends that are always happy, it puts me in a happier mood and I tend to spend more time with them, which definitely keeps me smiling.

C-Cru said...

Thank all of you for your comments. I am glad to find that I am not the only one that agreed with this article. I think that it is something we probably all realize, but are not always aware of. The situations that we are in make us more vulnerable to the moods that we are situated around. The brain is a marvelous thing isn't it?